This lifestyle branding mini session took place among the blossoms in Springbank Park. My gorgeous subject just so happens to be my big sister, so this was extra special for me. Here’s a handful of favourites!

This lifestyle branding mini session took place among the blossoms in Springbank Park. My gorgeous subject just so happens to be my big sister, so this was extra special for me. Here’s a handful of favourites!
The great thing about a lifestyle branding session is the ability to incorporate different outfits, locations, and styles in the same session. Bree even included her adorable family for a few photos before heading out to explore downtown with me. We grabbed coffee, found a back alley staircase and took a stroll on a sun-soaked bridge at golden hour, all in different outfits. We jumped between professional, playful and lifestyle approaches and the result was a gallery full of different photos that tell the story of who Bree is as a person, as a business owner, as a mama. I feel like her bubbly personality really shines through in these images, and I am so happy to finally be sharing some favourites here on the blog!
When Alison’s lifestyle headshot session fell on a very gloomy, cold, rainy day (with no time to reschedule), we headed to Parkway Garden Centre for some warmth, natural light and an explosion of Spring colour. It was the perfect setting for these branding photos. Here is a handful of favourites!