London Ontario Spring Minis | Blossoms & Studio

It’s the time of year where melting snow leads to dreams of luscious, vibrant blossoms. I’m so looking forward to this year’s spring sessions, particularly the mini sessions I have planned for the month of May: STUDIO SPRING MINIS and BLOOM SPRING MINIS.

The studio sessions will be held at the beautifully styled LR Studios on May 4th, 2025, for those preferring an indoor option still bursting with floral goodness. The bright, neutral parts of the studio will still be available for those wanting a mix of clean and simple as well as the floral set.

The outdoor bloom minis will take place on May 10th, 2025, with whatever happens to be in bloom around that date. The timing for various blossoms varies each year, but I’ve done these with magnolias, lilacs, redbuds, cherry blossoms and crabapple blossoms, and they are always spectacular!

London Ontario Photographer | 2019 Spring Blossom Minis

Ahhh, Spring Blossoms. The thing we photographers look forward to and dread, fawn over and despise. We love them, they are gorgeous and make for the dreamiest backdrop. They are also fickle, unpredictable, fragile and in high demand (picture 5 photographers huddling around the same Magnolia tree). But at the end of the day, we just can’t get enough of these beautiful blooms.

Today I’m looking back on last year’s Spring Minis, which coincided with the Magnolia blooms. (They don’t always, sometimes our date coincides with crabapple blossoms or redbuds - also gorgeous!)

I’ll be emailing everyone on my Mini Session Advance Notice List this afternoon (to get on the list, email, subject line: Mini Session Advance Notice) with info on the upcoming 2020 Spring Minis. Once the advance notice list gets first dibs, any remaining spots will be released over on the booking page until they are sold out.

It might be -15 degrees and snowy outside today, but Spring is right around the corner, pals! :)

London Ontario Mini Sessions | Tree Farm Minis

I can’t believe it’s already time to start booking this year’s Tree Farm Minis, which means it’s also time to reminisce about last year’s sessions. I loved how cozy everyone got for these, so many knits and plaids and sweaters. I’m so looking forward to closing off another incredible season of shooting with these minis once again. Here are some of my favourites from 2017!

London Ontario Family Photographer | 2017 Fall Minis

As the booking date approaches for this year's Fall minis, I wanted to share some favourites from last year's sessions. If you wish to be added to the advance notice list, please email, subject line "ADVANCE NOTICE LIST". The advance notice booking email for the 2018 Fall minis will go out on Friday, August 3rd, 2018.


London Ontario Family Photographer | Port Stanley Beach Minis

This year's beach minis are about to start booking, and as always it's about this time that I love to reminisce about the previous year's sessions. I'm so excited to share last years beach minis on the blog this evening! 

If you'd like to get on the advance notice list for the next round of minis (and all subsequent rounds), you can email me at, subject line "Advance Notice Minis".